The Insane Health and Well-Being Benefits of Everyday Steam Spa Use. Sauna Health Benefits and More.
Health & Well-Being
Boost immune system
Boost immune system- When you enter a steam room your body undergoes steam heat therapy, which stimulates the production of infection-fighting cells called leukocytes. Using steam rooms regularly can give your bloodstream an immunity boost, which is better suited to protect your body from illness and disease 1.
A mere 1% increase in body temperature results in a 40% increase in immunity! This is according to a study by Nobuhiro Yoshimizu, MD, PhD. Pretty awesome, huh? This rise in body temperature makes the body a less attractive host to harmful bacteria and viruses, which are extremely heat sensitive 2.
Respiratory issues
Stuffy, congested nose? A quick steam session can help clear it up and more!
The power of steam heat therapy has been shown to have strong positive effects on everything from clearing airways, lungs, and congestion to the symptoms of sinusitis, bronchitis and certain allergic responses. For centuries, the inhalation of steam has been prescribed to treat various disorders of the lung. A study conducted at the Common Cold Unit at Harvard Hospital reported that "Nasal hyperthermia can improve the course of a common cold and also give immediate relief of symptoms.".
Lastly, there is one extra benefit to steam rooms for anyone who has respiratory problems like asthma or allergies. “Medications for these kinds of respiratory problems might dry out your breathing passages,” says Dr. Parikh, co-director of the integrative health and wellbeing program at New York Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center. “Steam will moisturize and open the lungs a little more and hydrate the respiratory tract.” If you struggle with congestion, the steam can also act as a humidifier and help clear your nasal passages for easier breathing.
As heat from steam rooms opens and thins the mucus membranes all around your body, many people notice their loosening mucus and can immediately breathe easier when entering a steam room. Due to this soothing effect, steam rooms may also be used to aid symptoms of colds to clear blocked sinuses.
Heat stress activates a protein called FOXO3, the longevity gene. FOXO3 affects DNA repair, immune functions, pain levels, and stem cell activation! 3
Cardiovascular Health
Researchers in the Nordic region agree that the more steam, the better! During a study of over 20 years, researchers found that the higher frequency and duration of sauna bathing were associated with a lower risk of sudden cardiac death, fatal coronary heart disease and all cause-mortality.
Better yet, recent studies confirm that upping heat sessions from once weekly to daily is associated with a drastic drop in risk of chronic diseases and cardiac events like strokes.
Improves Circulation
Sitting in a steam room may also significantly increase your cardiovascular health through improved circulation. According to a recent study, (study from the School of Allied Health Professionals at Loma Linda University) individuals showed that moist heat improved circulation, especially in their extremities- Source [9]. Improved circulation can lead to lowered blood pressure and a healthier heart. It can even promote healing of broken skin tissue.
As your body’s capillaries dilate when exposed to the heat of a steam room, it allows blood to flow freely and easily throughout the body, transporting vital oxygen to all areas of your body that need it.
As a result, some of the immediate benefits of improved circulation thanks to steam room exposure are a heightened calm feeling, better regulation of heart rate, and deeper sleep.
Lowers Blood Pressure
When people use saunas regularly (as they do in the Nordic region of Europe), it can help lower blood pressure. Studies have shown that traditional Finnish sauna bathing is associated with overall lower blood pressure when people are using it regularly.
To help explain this, Research shows that in a steam room, your body releases hormones that change your heart rate. One of these hormones, called aldosterone, regulates your blood pressure. When aldosterone is released from sitting in the steam room, it can help you lower high blood pressure. This is part of the reason that the steam room makes you feel so relaxed during and after a spa session.
Reduce risk of a stroke
A long-ranging study with more than 1,600 Finnish men and women over the course of several years, found that frequent sauna bathing, as much as four to seven times per week, was connected to reduced risk of stroke. These benefits improved as the frequency of sauna use increased. Therefore, this study implies that the more you can make steam rooms a part of your everyday health routine, the greater health benefits you can expect to achieve.
It may even help reduce risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease!
Lastly, a different study in the Nordic region (of 2,315 Finnish men) found a connection between how often participants used saunas and a lowered risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease later on in life.
Everyday steam room use can even help treat the symptoms of arthritis and inflammation caused by auto-immune disorders.
There’s no denying the many health benefits of everyday sauna use as proven by the people of the Nordic region in Europe.
In the past, saunas and steam rooms were incredibly expensive to install in your home and took up too much room. Some places even charge a minimum of $60 for one sauna session. Our solution: Enjoy the numerous health benefits of everyday sauna use and up your at-home relaxation game with the Nordic Ways Signature Steam Spa. Our complete package has everything you need to get your sauna on at home and start taking advantage of the many health benefits steam rooms offer. The perfect solution for COVID-19 shutdowns of gyms/wellness centers. Our first drop only has 500 units available, so act now to reserve yours today.
The many benefits of steam saunas extend far beyond these health benefits. To look at some of the other amazing relaxation, rejuvenation, and detoxification benefits, click below.
Note: If you have any preexisting heart or respiratory conditions, please be sure to consult with your doctor prior to using a sauna or steam room.
- Yoshimizu, Nakamachi Nobuhiro, M.D., Ph.D. The Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees.
- Soszyński, Dariusz. (2003). The pathogenesis and adaptive value of fever. Postȩpy higieny i medycyny doświadczalnej. 57. 531-54.